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by ACiD GRiM
04 Jul 2015, 11:24
Forum: Device Information
Topic: Pantech/Verizon UML295: multiple modes supported
Replies: 10
Views: 15646

Re: Pantech/Verizon UML295: multiple modes supported

I've also tried with 606f before the switch, but with the command line I mentioned. I will report next week when I'm back in town since I only have remote access at the moment. Thanks for the reply
by ACiD GRiM
03 Jul 2015, 18:15
Forum: Device Information
Topic: Pantech/Verizon UML295: multiple modes supported
Replies: 10
Views: 15646

Re: Pantech/Verizon UML295: multiple modes supported

Hi, could you tell me if this is still in development? I'm trying this with the latest tar sources and can't get this to switch.

When I plug this device into my windows computer with IP Passthrough enabled with the Pantech utility, I can see that the PID is listed as 6074, I then use this command ...