Activation Codes and Methods, Hardware Details, Sniffing
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Alcatel One Touch X221L

Post by stefankrastanov » 04 Jan 2013, 01:03

I tried using the configurations for similar devices, however I did not succeed.

The device id changed in lsusb, however there was no modem (no new tty and no reaction by NetworkManger).

Help would be appreciated.

On ubuntu 12.10

output of lsusb before triggering usb_modeswitch

Code: Select all

Bus 002 Device 024: ID 1bbb:f017 T & A Mobile Phones 
output of lsusb after triggering usb_modeswitch with the following configuration

Code: Select all

Bus 002 Device 024: ID 1bbb:0017 T & A Mobile Phones 
content of the newly created "/usr/share/usb_modeswitch/1bbb:f017"

Code: Select all

DefaultVendor= 0x1bbb

TargetVendor= 0x1bbb

content added at the end of "/lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules"

Code: Select all

ATTRS{idVendor}=="1bbb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="f017", RUN+="usb_modeswitch '%b/%k'"
content of "/var/log/usb_modeswitch.log"

Code: Select all

USB_ModeSwitch log from Fri Jan  4 00:48:24 2013

Using global config file: /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf

Raw args from udev: /2-1:1.0

Bus ID for device not given by udev.
 Trying to determine it from kernel name (2-1:1.0) ...
Using top device dir /sys/bus/usb/devices/2-1

USB dir exists: /sys/bus/usb/devices/2-1

SCSI dir exists: /sys/bus/usb/devices/2-1
Warning: SCSI attribute "vendor" not readable.
Warning: SCSI attribute "model" not readable.
Warning: SCSI attribute "rev" not readable.
USB values from sysfs:
  idVendor	1bbb
  idProduct	f017
  manufacturer	USBModem
  product	HSPA Data Card
  serial	1234567890ABCDEF
  bNumConfigurations	1
bNumConfigurations is 1 - don't check for active configuration
Found packed config collection /usr/share/usb_modeswitch/configPack.tar.gz
Searching entries named: /usr/share/usb_modeswitch/1bbb:f017*
SCSI attributes not needed, moving on.

Using overriden config 1bbb:f017 from collection /usr/share/usb_modeswitch
config: TargetVendor set to 1bbb
config: TargetProduct set to 0017
Driver module is "option", ID path is /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1
! matched, now switching
Command to be run:
/usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch -I -W -D -s 20 -c /usr/share/usb_modeswitch/1bbb:f017 -u -1   -v 1bbb -p f017 2>&1

Verbose debug output of usb_modeswitch and libusb follows
(Note that some USB errors are expected in the process)

Reading config file: /usr/share/usb_modeswitch/1bbb:f017

 * usb_modeswitch: handle USB devices with multiple modes
 * Version 1.2.3 (C) Josua Dietze 2012
 * Based on libusb0 (0.1.12 and above)


DefaultVendor=  0x1bbb
DefaultProduct= 0xf017
TargetVendor=   0x1bbb
TargetProduct=  0x0017
TargetClass=    not set

MessageEndpoint=  not set
ResponseEndpoint= not set

InquireDevice disabled
Success check enabled, max. wait time 20 seconds
System integration mode enabled

Looking for target devices ...
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0cf3:3005
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0603:00f2
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0eef:72a1
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 1bbb:f017
   found matching vendor ID
  searching devices, found USB ID 04f2:b213
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0002
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0002
 No devices in target mode or class found
Looking for default devices ...
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0cf3:3005
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0603:00f2
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0eef:72a1
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 1bbb:f017
   found matching vendor ID
   found matching product ID
   adding device
  searching devices, found USB ID 04f2:b213
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0002
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0002
 Found device in default mode, class or configuration (1)
Accessing device 029 on bus 002 ...
Skipping the check for the current configuration
Using first interface: 0x00
Using endpoints 0x01 (out) and 0x81 (in)

USB description data (for identification)
Manufacturer: USBModem
     Product: HSPA Data Card
  Serial No.: 1234567890ABCDEF
Looking for active driver ...
 OK, driver found ("usb-storage")
 OK, driver "usb-storage" detached
Setting up communication with interface 0
Using endpoint 0x01 for message sending ...
Trying to send message 1 to endpoint 0x01 ...
 OK, message successfully sent
Resetting response endpoint 0x81
Resetting message endpoint 0x01
 Device is gone, skipping any further commands

Checking for mode switch (max. 20 times, once per second) ...
 Searching for target devices ...
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0cf3:3005
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0603:00f2
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 0eef:72a1
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0001
  searching devices, found USB ID 1bbb:0017
   found matching vendor ID
   found matching product ID
   adding device
  searching devices, found USB ID 04f2:b213
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0002
  searching devices, found USB ID 1d6b:0002

Found target device, now opening

Found target device 030 on bus 002

Target device description data
Manufacturer: USBModem
     Product: HSPA Data Card
  Serial No.: 1234567890ABCDEF
 Found correct target device

Mode switch succeeded. Bye.

(end of usb_modeswitch output)
Checking success of mode switch for max. 20 seconds ... Reading attributes ...
USB dir exists: /sys/bus/usb/devices/2-1
 All attributes matched
Mode switching was successful, found 1bbb:0017 (USBModem: HSPA Data Card)Now checking for bound driver ...
 no driver has bound to interface 0 yet
Device not in "bind_list" yet, bind it now
 modprobe not foundModule loader is (null)
Can't do anymore without module loader; get "modtools"!
 driver binding failed
Checking for AVOID_RESET_QUIRK kernel attribute

All done, exiting

Posts: 1404
Joined: 11 Jul 2012, 15:14
Location: Koh Samui, TH

Re: Alcatel One Touch X221L

Post by LOM » 04 Jan 2013, 04:17

Install the latest usb_modeswitch package (1.2.5) which has support for the device, then you will not have to do a manual modeswitch or modify the udev rules.
The option.ko driver needed may or may not have support for the stick, depends on which kernel version you are on so could be an idea to first update the kernel which probably also will update the usb_modeswitch package.

Posts: 3
Joined: 04 Jan 2013, 00:54

Re: Alcatel One Touch X221L

Post by stefankrastanov » 06 Jan 2013, 01:21

I updated to kernel 3.7.1 and usb_modeswitch 1.2.5 and indeed the 5 new tty devices appear after plugging in the modem. However neither NetworkManger, nor wvdial can connect to the network (wvdial reports that the wait for carrier response times-out).

Is it possible that this is due to incorrect setting up of the modem? After all I have X221L when usb_modeswitch claims to support X220D (both of these have the same usb IDs).

Could you tell me where to address any further questions if this is not an issue with usb_modeswitch?

Posts: 1404
Joined: 11 Jul 2012, 15:14
Location: Koh Samui, TH

Re: Alcatel One Touch X221L

Post by LOM » 06 Jan 2013, 02:30

It is probably your connection manager getting confused by all the serial type interfaces this stick has so you may have to help it a bit by editing its config file.
ttyUSB4 is the modem interface.

Posts: 3
Joined: 04 Jan 2013, 00:54

Re: Alcatel One Touch X221L

Post by stefankrastanov » 06 Jan 2013, 03:03

Now it works. Thank you.

Where (to what project) can I forward this information so it will use the right serial port out-of-the-box next time?

Posts: 1404
Joined: 11 Jul 2012, 15:14
Location: Koh Samui, TH

Re: Alcatel One Touch X221L

Post by LOM » 06 Jan 2013, 08:04

but make sure your Network Manager is up-to-date before requesting support for this stick.

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