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Problem with ZTE AC2787 in Dell Vostro 1400 Laptop

Posted: 24 Sep 2013, 19:37
by mainak
I am using the same ZTE AC2787 dongle on identical Linux Mint 13 Maya systems (both running Linux 3.2.0-53-generic (x86_64) kernel) one on my desktop and the other on my old Dell Vostro 1400 laptop. I have installed usb-modeswitch on both (the latest package) followng the recommended process identically (as far as I can tell).

The same modem works just fine in my desktop, but it does not work in my laptop. In my laptop I suspect that it is not switching to the "modem" mode. The only difference that I can make out is in the lsub output after I plug in the device:

In desktop (where it is working) I get the following:

Bus 006 Device 005: ID 19d2:fff1 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM

In Laptop (where it is NOT working) I get:

Bus 005 Device 003: ID 19d2:fff5 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM

I will greatly appreciate if someone can help me solve the problem

Many thanks in advance.

PS: I have searched this forum and found posts wirh similar issue, but there I think the modem worked if it was plugged in during boot. I have tried that, but in my laptop it does not make a difference. It does not work. And the lsusb output remains the same.

Re: Problem with ZTE AC2787 in Dell Vostro 1400 Laptop

Posted: 12 Oct 2013, 15:36
by Josh
Can you post the mode-switch log?

For this, enable usb_modeswitch's logging as described on the main doc page, paragraph "Troubleshooting".

Re: Problem with ZTE AC2787 in Dell Vostro 1400 Laptop

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 14:46
by mainak
Josh, thanks so much for the response. It has been a long time and I did not have access to that particular laptop that is giving the problem, as it was with someone else.
Anyway, I have just got hold of it again, and the same problem is still there. I have done as per your instructions and enabled the log by editing the .conf file, but no log is being generated in /var/log. I am obviously clueless. Please help me if you can.
The .conf files after my edit is attached.

Thanks in advance as always.

Re: Problem with ZTE AC2787 in Dell Vostro 1400 Laptop

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 14:49
by mainak
sorry, some problem with attachment. So I am copying&pasting the .conf file.


# Configuration for the usb_modeswitch package, a mode switching tool for
# USB devices providing multiple states or modes
# Evaluated by the wrapper script /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch_dispatcher
# To enable an option, set it to "1", "yes" or "true" (case doesn't matter)
# Everything else counts as "disable"

# Disable automatic mode switching globally (e.g. to access the original
# install storage)


# Enable logging (results in a extensive report file in /var/log, named
# "usb_modeswitch_<interface-name>" and probably others


# Optional increase of "delay_use" for the usb-storage driver; there are hints
# that a recent kernel default change to 1 sec. may lead to problems, particu-
# larly with USB 3.0 ports. Set this to at least 3 (seconds) in that case.
# Does nothing if the current system value is same or higher

# SetStorageDelay=3


Re: Problem with ZTE AC2787 in Dell Vostro 1400 Laptop

Posted: 22 Dec 2013, 11:06
by Josh
If you don't get a log, then usb_modeswitch is most likely not run at all.

What does "dmesg" tell you immediately after you plug the stick in?

Don't post the whole output, just the last lines where you see the USB device discovery. No need to attach it as a file, just copy and paste it.

Re: Problem with ZTE AC2787 in Dell Vostro 1400 Laptop

Posted: 23 Dec 2013, 08:28
by mainak

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I could not find the log and hence re-installed modeswitch all over again. And, it seems to be working now.

Sorry to have bothered you...but even after 2-3 re-installatuions in the past it was not working. The only thing that I think I did different was that I used "make clean" this time before "make install"

But, thanks again for your time and patience!