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Sony Ericcson F3507G modem not working

Post by SigurdWarp » 30 Sep 2010, 09:38

I hope you do not mind if this question is not concerned to the LINUX version of USB-MODESWITCH, it is for the OS/2 - eComStation version of it. But the problem I have may be the same for someone else using the Linux one. By the way: thanks for this great tool, it is already working with eComstation and a Cricket 600 USB Stick,s ot his is the proof that it can work with eComStation.

I have a Lenovo X200T with an inbuild Sony Erricson F3507G Modem. I disabled the PIN barrier for the SIM. The card works in Windows 7 and shows me there:


I figured out that 0DBD:1900 is the hardwarecode.

So I added this lines to USB_modeswitch.conf:

DefaultVendor= 0x0dbd
;DefaultProduct= 0x1900

;TargetVendor= 0x0dbd
;TargetProduct= 0x1900

# only for reference
# MessageEndpoint=0x01


When I start USB_MODESWITCH it shows me:


Looking for default devices...
Found default devices (1)
Accessing device 001 on bus 000
Not a storage device, skipping SCSI inquiry

Device description data (identification)
Manufacturer: Ericcson
Product: Ericcson F3507g Mobile Broadband Minicard Composite Device
Serial No: 3541430258414610
Cant't do driver detection and detaching on this platform.
Setting up comunication with interface 0
Trying to send the message to endpoint 0x01
OK, succesfully sent
Device is gone, skipping further steps ...
-> Run lsusb to note any changes. Bye



What may went wrong?
May I have an Interupt problem?
I guess I may have to choose another value in the usb_modeswitch.con as for the "Target Product", but what?

Thanks for any advice!!

I did not found a funtion to post pictures here, is there a way?


EDIT 1.10.2010:

So, ich brezel ja noch an dem Ericcson WWAN Modem herum, hier ... and_Module fand ich die AT Befehle dazu und siehe da, et läßt mit sich reden, ganz ohne USB_MODESWITCH. Vielleicht brauche ich den ja nicht. Mehr Klarheit dürfte das Wochenende bringen ;). Jedenfalls zeigt mir das Programm auf meine Frage mit AT+CPIN? artig an, dass die SIM PIN entsperrt ist (+CPIN: READY). Und einschalten läßt es sich auch mit AT+CFUN=1 denn auch hier antwortet es ganz unaufdringlich und erfreulich: +PACSP0.

Mal schauen, wie es weitergeht.

Link zum Bild: ... WWAN8a.jpg

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Post by Josh » 07 Oct 2010, 08:50

I don't think you have to switch this device at all. It does obviously not provide a storage partition with drivers on it, and seems to be ready to use.

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