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Help to switch to usb mode Huawei E3372h-320

Posted: 09 Feb 2022, 16:03
by AgentZoy
Hi I cant switch it to usb mode under Debian 11
usb-modeswitch installed

lsusb output

Code: Select all

Bus 001 Device 017: ID 12d1:14db Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E353/E3131
Trying different ways from forum I want to use it to send sms from linux terminal via sms-utils But for it config I need to give him /dev/USBx device name But its not appeared
Information about modem

Code: Select all

Device nameE3372h-320
Serial numberVQN7S21A26000214
My numberUnknown
Hardware versionCL4E3372HM
Software version11.0.1.1(H697SP1C983)

Can you help me with it?